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Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

Meet a new model of Stag Party - Maria Fox!

July 10, 2015 at 2:26 pm

Model: Maria Fox
Photographer: Murbo [Instagram]
Makeup artist: Kristina Savchenko
Producer: Vladimir Morozov [Instagram]

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: Hi Maria! You look perfect!

MF: Hi! Thanks! " A perfect look" can always be improved... there is actually no limit to perfection. But it does not scare me ?

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: We have made great photos! Tell me, how was the photoshoot? Do you like the idea of the Stag Party project?

MF: Yes! I love the pictures! Thank you so much! My special thanks to the photographer Murbo and makeup artist Kristina without whom our joint work would have been incomplete. It was cold and rainy outdoors, but indoors it was hot.

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: You have an amazing figure. Looks like you have a lot of fans...How do you manage them all?

MF: Thanks! First of all, I believe, I should thank my parents and the nature for the beauty they gave me; secondly, I should thank myself for its maintenance. I don't have a crowd of fans of course, but quite enough of them.

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: How do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobbies.

MF: I dedicate my free time to self-development. Nobody else can do it for me. I always try to learn something new. It's terribly interesting.

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: Is it good or bad to have sex at the first rendezvous? ;)

MF: I find it terrible. But there are moments in life one should not miss. It is our emotions and feelings that often make us act. So...there is no definite answer, if it is good or bad.

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: What was the most extreme sex in your life?

MF I like sex. I like having it more than talking about it.  Again, it's emotions and feelings. So, in short: sex in the park. Is there anything extreme? Well, it's up to you to decide...think hard:)

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: What film stars do you like best?

MF: There are quite a few of them. If I review all of the top-250, their number will increase significantly, I think. The Hollywood star I would like to meet is Matt Bomer who is famous for the TV series "White Collar".

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
I like sex. It is our emotions and feelings that often make us act.
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox
Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: We have many subscribers, could you tell them something =)

MF: My love to all of you! Be always honest with your loved ones, and most importantly, with yourselves! Develop yourselves, perfect yourselves in whatever you do, never stop half-way! Do the things that make you happy. Be close to those you want to share your joys and sorrows with.

Game of Thrones by Maria Fox

SP: Thanks for the interview!

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At the moment, we work with models from St. Petersburg only or with those who want to come here for being photographed.
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Tags: Maria Fox

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